For Homeowners

Renting a dumpster for use at a single-family home is common, but it’s never a bad idea to do your homework. Confirm whether or not your neighborhood requires a permit for dumpster rental or your HOA must grant permission.

Pricing for residential dumpster rental varies based on a few factors: size of dumpster and length of stay, type of refuse, expected weight and volume, and location (i.e. proximity to a transfer station). Our team works hard to provide clear and competitive pricing from the get-go. Call our office to learn more: 239-992-6219.

The first 14 days are included in standard dumpster rental.  Of course our team can accommodate more or less time. Call us!

Dumpsters can accommodate junk, debris, and non-hazardous waste. Things like packaging, yard waste, toys, clothing, furniture, cabinetry, paper, metal, hardware and fixtures, siding, drywall, roofing shingles, and flooring (i.e. carpet). Give us a heads up concerning what you expect to dispose of so we can let you know if something will (or will not) be accepted at the landfill.

Please never add flammable or hazardous items to a dumpster. Things like batteries, paint cans, lacquer containers, oil or oil-soaked rags, refrigerators (and refrigerants), AC units, hot water tanks, tires, barrels, mattresses, and medical waste.

For Builders and Remodelers

Dumpster rental is available in Naples, Bonita Springs, Fort Myers, and Fort Myers Beach within Collier and Lee Counties. Our team also delivers to Cape Coral with advanced notice.

Standard delivery turnaround time is 1-2 business days, however we regularly accommodate same-day delivery. 24/7 disaster relief service is currently available.

The size of our residential and commercial dumpsters vary depending on client needs. 20 and 30 yard dumpsters are coming soon.

Bills can be paid via check or credit card. Our preferred method is credit card.

NextGen Disposal dumpster rental residential dumpster rental in bonita springs, fort myers, naples, florida residential dumpster rental in bonita springs, fort myers, naples, florida
Here for the Long Haul

Proud Partner in Building a Better Southwest Florida